Ivor Cummins applies his engineering expertise to provide a unique perspective on insulin resistance and the root causes of chronic disease.

Here’s the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2017 conference.

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

Ivor originally completed a Chemical Engineering degree in 1990 (Biochemical Stream, BE(Chem) CEng MIEI), followed by over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. Ivor’s particular specialty was leading teams in complex problem-solving scenarios.

Following less-than-ideal blood test results, he was unable to get solutions from the doctors he consulted. He thus embarked on an intense period of biochemical research into the science of human metabolism. Ivor intensively studied the mechanisms and primary drivers of elevated GGT and Serum Ferritin. This quickly led to an investigation of general causes of inflammation and dyslipidemia.

Within eight weeks Ivor had resolved and optimised all of his blood test metrics. Also, he had shed nearly 15kg of body fat with relative ease. As the journey became a fixation he went on to analyse over 200 related papers and studies carried out over the past 5 decades and before.

Ivor found that the value of the technical expertise gained during his career to be of paramount importance in this odyssey. Through this investigation Ivor has realised that to be successful in determining root cause and solution in the health arena requires far more than a general medical background.

In the following years Ivor has continued his research on the many “root causes” of modern disease, from “cholesterol” through to insulin resistance. He has also given many public talks and chaired interviews with various health experts.

Ivor’s popular podcast series is available here: https://thefatemperor.com/podcasts/

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All the Low Carb Breckenridge 2017 conference related posts can be found here: http://jgerbermd.com/low-carb-breckenridge/

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