Join us for a Low-carb and Paleo community gathering Wednesday April 8th, an event marking our 2nd official “Dinner with the LCHF experts.” The American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP) and Nutrition & Metabolism (N&M) society joint conference has returned to Denver and we have a stellar group of health, research and science related professionals headed to town.
Although the conference does not offer a public venue (yet), dinner will provide a great opportunity for the local community to personally meet many of the speakers, physicians and other health related professionals while they’re here. We’ve got some big names joining us and they’ve volunteered to bring some great door prizes! Take a look at the awesome list of those already confirmed:
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- Jimmy Moore – Livin’ La Vida Low Carb, patient advocate, author, blogger and social media master
- Dr. Eric Westman – President ASBP, scientific research, HEAL Clinics, clinical experience and author
- Dr. Stephen Phinney – Fat adaptation, exercise performance, scientific research and author
- Dr. Jeff Volek – Fat adaptation, exercise performance, scientific research and author
- Dr. Richard Feinman – N&M society scientific board, biochemistry, author and blogger
- Dr. William Yancy – Scientific research, clinical experience
- Dr. Cate Shanahan – Dr. Cate, clinical experience, author and blogger
- Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE – Low Carb Dietition, clinical experience, author and blogger
- Ellen Davis, MS – Ketogenic Diet Resource, author and blogger
- Jacqueline Eberstein, RN – Nurse for the late Dr. Robert Atkins, HEAL Clinics and author
- Dr. Jeffry Gerber – Denver’s Diet Doctor, clinical experience and blogger
- Erynn Kay, PA-C – Denver’s Diet Doctor, Paleo & Primal, clinical experience and blogger
- Bridget Hart – Nutrition coach and professional low-carb chef

(Updated 03/28/2015) Following introductions, our featured expert Dr. Eric Westman, president of the ASBP, will be entertaining us with a short presentation on the LCHF movement and advocacy. Dr. Eenfeldt our original featured expert has scheduling conflicts and will not be able to join us this year…. bummer!
Invited are those from the local community and those attending the N&M society portion of the medical conference. Conference attendees are reminded not to miss the sponsored welcome reception at the Hyatt prior to dinner. You can head over to the restaurant after that reception.
Date and time: Wednesday, April 8th
Mix & Mingle: 6:30pm
Dinner: 7:00pm
Location: Fogo de Chao Brazilian steakhouse – 1513 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO
Fees: All attendees pay own check. Beer/wine specials and discounted meal prices (custom menu $36 / salad bar only $26.50).
Reservations: Our private dining room has limited seating, please RSVP to reserve your spot. Contact info@bridget-hart.com for reservations & more information or post your comments here.
Here’s a flyer with the invite in .pdf format.
Hosted by Dr. Jeffry Gerber, Denver’s Diet Doctor & Bridget Hart, Sweet Enough Personal Chef Services.