Sam Feltham explains the positive impact the Public Health Collaboration is having on the health of the United Kingdom.

Here’s the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2017 conference.

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

Sam has been in the health and fitness industry for over a decade. He began as a party coordinator at a sports center and worked his way up to studying at the European Institute of Fitness, qualifying as a Master Personal Trainer. During this time he was also a globe-trotting Snowboard Instructor and Course Leader, in places such as New Zealand, America, Switzerland and Canada.

In 2011, Sam was named one of the World Fitness Elite Trainers of the Year. He became a best selling author and founded of one of the UK’s fastest growing fitness boot camp franchises, Smash The Fat. Additionally, he authored a book – Slimology: The Relatively Simple Science Of Slimming.

After 5 years of running ‘Smash The Fat’ and becoming increasingly frustrated with rising obesity levels, Sam decided to move away from the business in order to fully focus on improving public health. Sam is now the Director of the Public Health Collaboration.

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