At South Suburban Family Medicine, we redefine healthy nutrition by educating our patients on the profound relationship between processed foods and chronic illness. We employ cutting-edge science on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, insulin resistance, inflammation, and chronic metabolic diseases to guide you in your health journey.
Our approach takes into consideration root causes of weight gain and obesity; for which we can only blame a shift in nutrition over the past century.
Our weight loss programs aren’t just about shedding pounds; they’re about equipping you with the knowledge and tools for lifelong health.
At South Suburban Family Medicine, we are proud to have Dr. Jeffry Gerber as part of our team, a leading expert in utilizing carbohydrate-restricted diets to transform health. With extensive experience in guiding patients through Ketogenic, Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF), Ancestral, Paleolithic, and Primal diets, Dr. Gerber’s approach is grounded in evidence-based science and tailored to meet individual health needs.
Dr. Gerber meticulously tracks patient outcomes, focusing on weight, cardiovascular health, and metabolic markers, to validate the effectiveness of these dietary interventions. His work contributes to a growing body of evidence supporting the health benefits of carbohydrate restriction. Numerous studies, including the PURE study, have underscored the positive impact of these diets on overall wellness.
For those interested in the scientific landscape, we offer a curated collection of research on low-carb diets, showcasing the promise these nutritional strategies hold for enhancing long-term health. South Suburban Family Medicine remains at the forefront, committed to furthering our understanding of nutrition’s profound effects on well-being. Here is a comprehensive list of low-carb studies.
Our comprehensive approach guarantees not just weight loss but a healthier, more vibrant you.
Obesity rates have doubled in adults and tripled in children and adolescents since the official USDA dietary guidelines for Americans were released in 1980. We are one of the heaviest countries in the world. Presently two-thirds of adults are overweight and or obese and one-third of children and adolescents are overweight and or obese. Although Colorado remains the thinnest state in the country overweight and obesity remain significant health issues.
Within our lifetimes we are witnessing these epidemics for which we can only blame a shift in nutrition over the past century. The production and sale of manufactured and industrial food has steered us away from consuming whole, unprocessed and nutrient dense foods. Consumption of sugars, high fructose corn syrup, grains such as corn, wheat and rice, starchy vegetables, legumes and industrial vegetable oils are to blame. Profitable to the food manufactures these refined and processed foods, containing mostly carbohydrates and or manufactured oils, wreak havoc on metabolism, health and make us hungrier.
Dietary carbohydrates are the optional fuel and most people consume too much. Natural dietary fats were never unhealthy. Teaching patients how to make better food choices based on the carbohydrate content controls hunger, promotes weight loss and improves health.
Join our community at South Suburban Family Medicine and start your transformative journey today. Our weight loss services are designed to meet your unique needs and empower you to achieve lasting results.
Read more about hyperinsulinemia and the root causes of cardiovascular disease. From Dr. Joseph Kraft:
“Those with cardiovascular disease not identified with diabetes… are simply undiagnosed.”
One of Dr. Kraft’s conclusions, based on his illustrious career, is simple and provides a profound and ultimate truth: diabetes is a vascular disease. His career spanned decades and included unparalleled research performing insulin assays in over 14,000 subjects, thousands of autopsies, and collaboration with others medical experts searching for the root causes of chronic diseases including vascular disease. He also wrote a book about his research titled Diabetes Epidemic & You.
Dr. Gerber discusses the problems that are associated with the metabolic syndrome, which include glucose intolerance and abdominal obesity. He shares studies and findings related to the metabolic syndrome and discusses the benefits of a low carb, high fat diet to reduce systemic inflammation.
From Ketofest 2018. Literature review reveals that regardless of the approach, initial weight loss is often successful yet weight loss often plateaus and weight can often return to baseline. Energy supply and demand and the hormonal approach to adiposity should not be mutually exclusive and can complement one another.