Here is an online version of our low carb nutrition presentation. The topics include:

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  • Overview of low carb nutrition
  • Review the metabolic pathways and mechanisms that provide insight into the root causes of chronic disease including obesity, diabetes and heart disease
  • Addressing cardiovascular disease risk based on the metabolic syndrome, atherogenic dyslipidemia and cardiovascular imaging including the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score
  • How we can use nutrition as a tool to treat and prevent these conditions
  • Clinical and practical approaches to evaluating and treating patients


Over the past half century we have seen a dramatic rise in the incidence of obesity, diabetes and heart disease despite dietary and lifestyle recommendations that have been unsuccessful. The metabolic syndrome and hyperinsulinemia provide unique perspective as to the root causes of these chronic diseases that are driven by insulin, insulin resistance and inflammation. Not all diets are alike but certainly an understanding of these mechanisms leads to the conclusion that a whole foods diet containing less processing, carbohydrate and industrial seed oils, while increasing natural protein and fat is favorable to health. We look at the mechanisms and evidence in support of these types of whole foods diets and how to approach diet, health and lifestyle with patients in the clinical setting.

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