Wheat Belly Denver - William Davis, MD - Jeffry Gerber, MD

I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Wheat Belly author Dr. William Davis while he was visiting Denver this week. It was my pleasure to introduce him at the inaugural kick-off of the “The Experience Wheatlessness Tour.”

Dr. Davis is well-spoken, personable, receptive to the audience, and a great conversationalist. His talk complemented the book nicely and included some personal insights and fascinating patient case studies. He outlined the evolution of how humans started eating grains and how this has adversely affected our growth, development, and health. He also discussed how the food and agriculture industries and our healthcare system have led us astray regarding what comprises a “healthy diet”. He boldly called the current healthcare model “sick care,” and discussed his own frustrations as a practicing physician of placing “band-aids” on diseases when what we need is better preventive care.

The audience was engaged and asked great questions. It was an enlightening and informative evening for all involved.

BTW that’s my nutrition-minded, soon-to-be college freshman daughter Courtney in the picture collage above! Maybe she’ll pass on Dr. Davis’ message to her professors!

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