Happy New Year. You’re invited to Low Carb Denver 2020, March 12-15. The full schedule is now available. We’ve got a great lineup: https://lowcarbconferences.com/lcd20-schedule/

“Educating and Empowering People to Take Charge of their Health”

Event Tickets and Online Live Stream are both available to purchase. See the event site for discount codes: https://lowcarbconferences.com/#tickets

Reserve your seat. The conference is open to everyone. #CME for healthcare professionals.

Group discounted hotel rooms at the Sheraton are going fast. Additionally, we have available a block of overflow group discounted rooms located at the nearby Hyatt Regency.

In previous years the event was hosted at https://jgerbermd.com. The conference has graduated and now has its own website. You can subscribe and check for updates here: https://lowcarbconferences.com/

Jeffry Gerber, MD (Denver’s Diet Doctor) and Rod Tayler, MD (Low Carb Down Under) are co-organizers.

#LCD20 #LowCarbDenver #LowCarbConferences #LowCarb #LCHF #KETO #Carnivore #IntermittentFasting #LowCarbVegetarian #Diabetes #HeartDisease #CVD #Obesity #MetabolicSyndrome #CAC #CalciumScore #InsulinResistance #FoodAsMedicine

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