Theresa Braymer has served in the Navy as well as working as a consultant for government. Following her retirement, Theresa underwent three surgeries for an orthopedic issue and also learned of her ApoE4 status. Studying up on these two areas: chronic pain and ApoE4 has led her down many paths both traditional and nontraditional. Similar to her work as a consultant, she’s now motivated to share what she’s learned on her journey by translating medical findings into understandable language for the non-profit group www.ApoE4.Info

George Newman was diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2004. Using non-“standard of care,” non-pharma approaches, he has kept the illness in remission 99.98% of the time. He is a licensed professional engineer and has spent most of his career solving problems by using a “non-linear” approach. He is firmly convinced that lifestyle, including what you eat, what you don’t eat, exercise, fasting, meditation, and other measures can shift the probabilities toward a long, productive health span. He plans to use these abilities to help guide www.ApoE4.Info into the future.

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