Dr Victoria Buntine grew up in Sydney and attended Newcastle University before joining the RAAF as a doctor. She then worked for fifteen years in Hong Kong and Singapore as well as 10 years in Western Australia before finally returning to Sydney in 2017. Dr. Buntine has actively practiced low carb for several years and over the last few years has found it a useful tool in almost every consultation.

Doug Reynolds is the founder of Low Carb USA. By his early 30’s, Doug had run almost a hundred marathons and ultras and could eat pretty much anything he liked. As he approached 40, however, he noticed he was putting on a little weight each year and, no matter how hard he trained, he was not able to get the weight off again. In the end he was constantly injured and hating running, and life itself.

When he was first introduced to the concept of the Low Carb / Ketogenic diet, he could not believe that an athlete could function without carbohydrates. However, being an engineer at heart, he started reading all the research and found it all made total sense. It explained all the issues he was having, including the things he struggled with back when he was running well.

So he decided to give it a go and, after an adaptation period of about 10 days, the results were spectacular. His weight started coming down and running became easier and more enjoyable each day.

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