Dr. Dawn Lemanne looks at cancer treatment from a combined genetics and environmental perspective leading to more effective treatment of incurable cancers.

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Dr. Dawn Lemanne is a Stanford-trained, board-certified integrative and medical oncologist. Dr. Lemanne has published in peer-reviewed journals and has authored textbook chapters in integrative oncology. She holds degrees in biophysics, public health, medicine, and science writing from the University of California, Berkeley, the University of California, San Francisco, and Johns Hopkins University.

In 2016, Dr. Lemanne co-authored the book “N of 1,” the story of a man’s Harvard-documented recovery from a form of leukemia using non-conventional methods. Dr. Lemanne is recognised as a leader in the Quantified Self movement. Specifically, she is a proponent of rigorously designed single-subject studies that investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions in chronic disease.

Dr. Lemanne is head of the Independent Metabolic Research Group, a collaboration of health professionals investigating the effects of diet, exercise, sleep, and supplements on biomarkers relevant to malignancy and other chronic diseases. She is the founder of Oregon Integrative Oncology in Ashland, Oregon, where she currently practices.

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