Engineer Dave Feldman has uniquely discovered that all ‘cholesterol’ measurements are highly influenced by dietary fat intake in just the few days preceding testing. So strong is this relationship that Dave can now predict higher or lower lipid results based on short-term dietary modification. Having now repeated this experiment in several other subjects Dave has confirmed the main role of lipoprotein – to manage fat energy flux. Here’s the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2017 conference.

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

The findings have created some confusion. It is generally agreed that reducing saturated fat and even calories will lower LDL-C or LDLp. Dave’s experiment however is counter-intuitive in that his data show exactly the opposite. So what’s going on here?

Important to understand is that Dave’s experiment is atypical. During the experiment, subjects shift from eating a low calorie keto diet of ~800 calories/day to a whopping high calorie keto diet of ~5000 calories/day during a short window of 3 to 10 days while frequently measuring cholesterol. People do not normally check cholesterol this frequently but when checked frequently, the inverse relationship between dietary fat and cholesterol is observed. This makes the context of Dave’s experiment different, in that he is looking at fat energy flux (trafficking and clearance) rather than simply looking at what he calls the cholesterol ‘preference point’. It is this cholesterol ‘preference point’ that typically reverts back following the experiment. Under ‘normal’ testing reducing saturated fat and calories generally will lower this cholesterol ‘preference point’. I hope this clarifies.

Although Dave’s experiment does not specifically address cardiovascular risk there is an almost diabolical and game changing message that challenges the age-old lipid-hypothesis. Is lipoprotein measurement truly reflective of the steady-state and thus can we rely on it as a tool to properly measure cardiovascular risk? Stay tuned…

Dave Feldman is a senior software engineer, business developer and entrepreneur. He began a Low Carb, High Fat diet in April 2015 and after experiencing a significant rise in his total cholesterol he committed himself to learning everything he could about cholesterol and the lipid system. Read more on his website:

Dave is looking for more subjects to run the experiment. You can find him here to discuss:

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