Cholesterol OMG - Jeffry Gerber, MD - Denver's Diet Doctor

I’ve been invited to talk about cholesterol testing, diet, and cardiovascular risk on the upcoming Low Carb Cruise 2014. You might ask, who wants to go on a cruise and listen to lectures all day? I’m not quite sure about it, but Jimmy Moore, our cruise director, assures me that there will be plenty of time for sun and fun. My talk is ready, and I wanted to share the presentation with our local community, patients, and friends. Discussing cholesterol can be fairly dry, but I have tried to keep it on the lighter side.

Erynn, our Physician Assistant, and I often see patients looking for nutrition-minded docs who understand how whole foods void of processing positively affect overall health, including cholesterol and cardiovascular risk. Many discover Low-Carb, Paleo, Primal, and Weston A. Price lifestyles on their own. Although patients often see immediate benefits, their other doctors sometimes express concern because of particular changes seen in their cholesterol profiles. As a result, these docs often recommend more traditional low-fat, low-calorie diets and cholesterol lowering medication such as Statins.

These patients seek our advice because they feel great and don’t wish to change their diets nor take medication to lower cholesterol. The question remains, are we providing reasonable advice telling patients to stay the course as it relates to diet and cholesterol lowering medication, though different from standard guidelines? As you will learn, individualizing care is most important.

We will take an entertaining look at the history of cholesterol and cardiovascular disease, consider the role of inflammation and oxidative stress, share some patient case studies, compare standard vs. advanced lipid profiles, and discuss how to make decisions related to care. We end with a brief look at affordable healthcare (or maybe NOT so affordable!).

gerber-eenfeldt-diet-doctors-crop A special thanks to Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, Sweden’s Diet Doctor for providing tips on improving presentations. Here we are hanging out at a recent nutrition and obesity conference in Philadelphia where he so kindly helped me with my PowerPoint.

This talk provides ongoing support to the Fridays Low Carb and Paleo Support Group. The event is free of charge and is scheduled for Friday afternoon, May 2nd, 2-3 pm in room A at the Koelbel Library. 5955 South Holly Street, Centennial, CO 80121 Phone: 303-542-7279. Please RSVP here or call our office to reserve your space. Disclaimer: Granting of permission by the Arapahoe Library District to use library facilities does not constitute endorsement by the Library District Staff or Board of Trustees.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you miss this presentation, I will also be speaking at the Weston A. Price Foundation:Denver chapter on Saturday, May 31st in Golden. Please contact them for details.

Dr. Jeff

Updated 05/26/2014: Here is a link to the PowerPoint slides in .pdf format.

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