Category: Low Carb Denver 2020

Dr. Brian Lenzkes is an internal medicine doctor in San Diego. Dr. Lenzkes received a BS in Biology from UC Irvine, and an MD from USC Medical School. The inability

Dr. Sarah Huen is a nephrologist, physician scientist, and an assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX. Originally from Chicago, IL. Dr. Huen received

Brendan Reid is a New Zealand based low carb success story (…), having lost 50kg/111lb in 15 months during 2015 and 2016. Brendan spoke of his own weight loss journey

Brendan Reid is a New Zealand based low carb success story (…), having lost 50kg/111lb in 15 months during 2015 and 2016. Brendan spoke of his own weight loss journey

Dr. David G. Harper is a science educator, researcher, and technology CEO. He holds a BSc. and Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia in mathematical biofluiddynamics and completed a

Dr Rod Tayler is an Australian anaesthetist with an interest in low carb nutrition. He is the founder of Low Carb Down Under which hosts a range of resources to

Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist and Associate Clinical Professor Emeritus, formerly of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, Texas. He is also the founder and president

Brendan Reid is a New Zealand based low carb success story (…), having lost 50kg/111lb in 15 months during 2015 and 2016. Brendan spoke of his own weight loss journey

Evgeniya Affinito is the VP of Business Development at Global GVM, specialists in video production. She was kind enough to step in as interviewer for this interview with Dr. Stephen

r. Michael R. Eades received his BSCE degree in Civil Engineering from California Polytechnic University (Cal Poly), Pomona, California and his MD from the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (UAMS).