Category: Low Carb Denver 2019

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt looks at the evidence for using LCHF to reverse Type 2 diabetes long term. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format Dr

Dave Feldman shares his latest results from recent experiments and celebrates the rise of the citizen scientist. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format Dave

Dr. Eric Westman shares his journey and experiences in treating over sixty thousand patients with low carbohydrate nutrition. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format

Ivor Cummins looks at the factors that cause heart disease and the importance of Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format

Maria Emmerich discusses the preferential way we utilize ingested energy and how this affects overall health. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format Maria Emmerich

Dr. Paul Mason presents a detailed analysis of LDL cholesterol on a ketogenic diet and some newly discovered statin data. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in

Dr. John Schoonbee explains the synergistic relationship between longevity and benefits to the individual and the life insurance industry. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF

Dr. Priyanka Wali gives an informative and humorous talk discussing the connection between insulin resistance and sexual dysfunction. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format

Dr. Georgia Ede presents a detailed analysis of the vested interests and hidden dangers of the EAT-Lancet Commission report. Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF

Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE looks at the science of a low carb pregnancy and how it relates to gestational diabetes and fetal programming. Presentation slides are available here to view