Category: Low Carb Breck 2018

Erynn Kay, PA-C looks at the work of Weston A. Price in the context of our modern food environment to find the best diet for optimal health. Here is the

L. Amber O’Hearn explores the unique way ketones are utilized by humans and investigates the comparisons made between starvation and ketosis. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge

Dr Mike Eades, MD offers an intriguing new hypothesis on obesity, arguing that Linoleic Acid (omega-6) actively promotes obesity while Saturated Fat protects against it. Here is the latest release

Dr Mark Cucuzzella shares some of the grassroots change towards better health that he is spearheading in his local community. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018

Nick Mailer adopts a humorous philosophical approach along with critical thinking in an attempt to define ‘nature’ as it relates to human health. Here is the latest release from Low

Dr Catherine Crofts, PhD explains her cutting edge research into hyperinsulinemia made possible by analyzing the data provided by Dr Joseph R. Kraft. Here is the latest release from Low

Dr David Diamond, PhD provides a fascinating analysis of LDL cholesterol changes and measuring cardiovascular risk. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck #LowCarbConferences

Dr Sarah Hallberg examines the current treatment limitations for Type 2 Diabetes and explains how Virta Health are changing the rules. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge

Dr Steve Phinney, MD looks at how a well-formulated ketogenic diet affects the relationship between inflammation and metabolic disease. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference

Associate Professor Andrew Mente, PhD, MA analyzes the data for limiting salt consumption for cardiovascular health. Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck #LowCarbConferences