Dr Rod Tayler is an Australian anaesthetist with an interest in low carb nutrition. He is the founder of Low Carb Down Under which hosts a range of resources to assist people to optimise their health and weight.

Raphael Sirtoli graduated with an MSc in Molecular Biology from Staffordshire University. He currently pursues his PhD in the Behavioral and Molecular Lab at the University of Minho, where his work combines neuroscience and metabolism. He uses rats to study the side-effects of antipsychotics and whether or not at a ketogenic diet can mitigate some of them.

Raphael is also a science writer who has written for Crossfit and the non-profit Nutrition Coalition. He hosts the BreakNutrition podcast where he discusses scientific papers on nutrition and health. He is also the co-founder of the application ‘Nutrita’ which enables people to easily track their basic nutrition and most important biomarkers.

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