We are offering telemedicine visits to address all your health and safety concerns. If you live in Colorado we encourage all of our new and existing patients to use this as a means to communicate with our providers. Telemedicine has been recommended by the Colorado Medical Society as an option for those who wish to maximize social distancing in addition to the stay at home declaration. Telemedicine is available for check-ups, physicals, routine care, nutrition, counseling and sicks visits.

If you have any sort of respiratory illness including sore throat, runny nose, cough or fever please do not come to the office as we wish to minimize exposure to our other patients and staff. We are happy to schedule a telemedicine visit for any and all respiratory illness related issues. We are here to answer your questions and address your concerns. Our role is to provide triage for our healthcare system while keeping the urgent cares and emergency rooms available to treat only those with more serious illness.

Regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus, social distancing is important as well as frequent hand washing. Testing is still not widely available and specific criteria have to be met: cha.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/03.5.20_2019-nCoV-Initial-Assesment-Form-for-LPHAs-and-Healthcare-Providers_CDPHE.pdf. If you have symptoms it is best to assume you have the virus to protect others and take proper care of yourself. For most who contract COVID-19, the symptoms are mild and can be treated at home with supportive care, isolation from others and remaining at home until symptom free for 7 days. You should avoid the hospital unless you are severely ill. If you were exposed to a confirmed case, you should quarantine yourself for 14 days to assure you remain symptom free. For more information please visit: covid19.colorado.gov

For more on telemedicine virtual visits: https://jgerbermd.com/telemedicine-and-telehealth-virtual-office-visits/

For those of you living outside of the state of Colorado, we have another option known as online consults. Slightly different, but we can discuss general health, diet and nutrition related issues: https://jgerbermd.com/online-consults/

Stay well, safe and informed. With the pandemic, now is an important time as any to optimize your diet and lifestyle to stay healthy. We hope things get back to normal soon, but in the meantime we are here to assist. If you wish to schedule an appointment please call us @ 303-346-9490 or email jgerbermd.com/contact/

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