Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt looks at the evidence for using LCHF to reverse Type 2 diabetes long term.

Presentation slides are available here to view or download in PDF format

Dr Eenfeldt is a Swedish medical doctor based in Karlstad who specializes in family medicine. He is primarily interested in how food and lifestyle can improve a patient’s health and reduce their medication needs.

In 2007, Dr. Eenfeldt started the blog “Kostdoktorn” – a Swedish word that means “Diet Doctor”. The goal was to make it simple for anyone to learn about low carb, high fat nutrition and discuss their results. It rapidly became the most popular health blog in Sweden and one of the most popular blogs in all categories.

In the spring of 2011 the English version of the Diet Doctor blog was launched. It was not immediately popular and for several years it mostly contained translated articles from the Swedish site. Slowly, things started to gather momentum. Income from book sales and frequent lecturing allowed Dr. Eenfeldt to gather a small team of co-workers and the website began to grow in popularity worldwide.

DietDoctor.com now has several million visits per month and still receives no money from industry, offers no products for sale and contains no ads. It is funded entirely by paid subscribers with the goal of spreading the word about outdated nutritional information and to push for a food revolution.

Please subscribe to Denver’s Diet Doctor: https://jgerbermd.com/subscribe/

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All the Low Carb Denver 2019 conference related posts can be found here: https://jgerbermd.com/category/low-carb-denver-2019/

Please join us for upcoming events including Low Carb Denver 2020, March 12-15. All the latest conference details can be found here: http://lowcarbconferences.com

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