Low Carb Breckenridge 2018, March 2-4 #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck. ONLINE LIVE STREAM can be viewed here. Live stream will also be recorded and available to view here through March 27. You must purchase live stream in order to gain access. Details are provided via email once purchase is complete. For conference attendees Live Stream access is already included.

When watching live you can click on the Livestream icon in the video window and CHAT with others.

Here are the presentation slides: https://jgerbermd.com/low-carb-breck-2018-slides-for-attendees-and-live-stream-viewers/

Loe Tseng has graciously provided a Timestamp of the Live Stream sessions.

[button style=”tick” link=”https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/low-carb-breckenridge-2018-online-live-stream-tickets-41631706555″ size=”large” window=”yes”]Live Stream Purchase[/button][button style=”info” link=”https://lcb18.sched.com/” size=”large” window=”yes”]Interactive Conference Schedule[/button]

27 presentations from leaders in the low carb field plus Q&A. For healthcare professionals, you must attend the conference to receive CME credit.

[button style=”info” window=”yes” size=”large” link=”https://jgerbermd.com/low-carb-breckenridge-2018/”]Low Carb Breck – Main event page[/button]

Live Stream access has ended – Watch for post-productions recordings to be released

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