LCHF Convention Online Gerber

The Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) convention is available online and provides a great resource for everything related to health, fitness and low carb nutrition. Watch over 24 hours of studio quality recorded video presentations from the Low Carb Summit that was held in Cape Town back in February of 2015. Much time and effort went into preparing this absolutely stellar online content. Included are introductions provided by Prof Tim Noakes, lecture notes, slides, pertinent links and other reference materials. Here is a list of the speakers and topics:

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  • Why We Get Fat: Adiposity 101 and the Alternative Hypothesis of Obesity – Gary Taubes
  • The Obesity Epidemic: What caused it? How can we stop it? – Zoë Harcombe
  • The Fat Revolution: Saturated Fat and Top 10 LCHF Myths – Christine Cronau
  • The Patient’s Perspective – Jimmy Moore
  • Cognitive Dissonance: The scientific evidence for the LCHF is so strong. Why then is it ignored? – Dr Michael Eades
  • LCHF Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome – Dr Eric Westman
  • The Low Carb High Fat Diet for Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes – Dr Jay Wortman
  • Insulin Toxicity and how to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Dr Jason Fung
  • Disease-causing effects of High Carbohydrate Diets – Dr Gary Fettke
  • Weight Control: Calories vs Insulin Theory – Dr Andreas Eenfeldt
  • Stone-Age Body, Space Age Diet: Nutrition metabolism & mental health – Dr Ann Childers
  • Carbohydrate Addiction: The psychology of obesity – Dr Robert Cywes
  • The lipid hypothesis, diet heart hypothesis and the 2013 cholesterol guidelines – Dr Jeffry Gerber
  • 40 Years of Flawed Nutritional Science: What will it take for change to be accepted? – Dr Michael Eades
  • How dietary changes can rapidly and substantially reduce risk of cardiovascular death – Dr Aseem Malhotra
  • Nutrition and Mental Health – Dr Ann Childers
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Aetiology and Reversibility – Dr Jason Fung
  • Nutrition & Cancer: Time to rethink – Dr Gary Fettke
  • Understanding and Treating (Childhood) Obesity: Management and a limited role for surgery – Dr Robert Cywes
  • Why did I support high carbhohydrate diets for athletes for so long? – Prof Tim Noakes
  • Low carbohydrate ketogenic diets for athletes – Dr Stephen Phinney
  • LCHF Practical Implementation – Dr Eric Westman
  • Carbohydrate Restriction for Type 2 Diabetes – Dr Jay Wortman
  • The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living and Performance – Dr Stephen Phinney
  • 12 Things we’ve gotten all wrong about Cholesterol and Ketosis – Jimmy Moore
  • The Fat Revolution: Saturated Fat is Good for You – Christine Cronau
  • Nutritional Nuggets to Combat Convention Dietary Advice – Zoë Harcombe
  • Action on Sugar: Advocacy or Activism – Dr Aseem Malhotra
  • Changing Perceptions: Global Impact of LCHF (Australia, UK and Sweden) – Dr Andreas Eenfeldt
  • A Worldwide Nutrition Revolution: What is next? – Prof Tim Noakes


Low Carb High Fat convention: Dr. Gerber portal

Low Carb High Fat convention: main portal

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