While in Chicago on the 2015 Fat Emperor tour, Ivor Cummins and I had time to interview Dr. Eric Westman on live Google Hangouts. Thanks for your time Dr. Westman on such short notice. We discussed:

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  • The Cape Town Low Carb Summit (now online)
  • Low Carb Adapt
  • HEAL Clinics
  • ASBP/OMA Obesity Medicine Association presidency & leadership role
  • Hyperinsulinemia and Dr. Joe Kraft
  • How to convince healthcare professionals that there wasn’t ever strong data to support low-fat diets
  • Ivor’s trip to the US including Chicago and NYC


Along with fellow family doctor Dr. Ted Naiman, we met up in Chicago to interview 94 yo Dr. Joseph Kraft (the father of diabetes in-situ). Dr. Kraft, through his research discovered that some 75% of subjects tested with normal oral glucose tolerance were actually hyperinsulinemic. He associated hyperinsulinemia with microvascular disease, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases. He knew about hyperinsulinemia long before many of us had a clue or were born for that matter. He even wrote a book about it. BTW, it was Prof Grant Schofield who inspired Ivor to set up this trip.

Dr. Kraft was lovely. When I told him that I’d never met a 94 yo doctor, he chuckled and said he’d never met one himself! He’s still got a sense of humor.

Stay tuned for the Dr. Kraft interview and more. Ivor’s gonna have lots of post-production to do with all the recorded content once he returns to Dublin. Go Ivor!



Ivor’s popular podcast series is available here: https://thefatemperor.com/podcasts/

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